Creepy Valley: The Cotil

Creepy Valley

The cotil adjoining Water Lane has been carved up as part of the development.


Projected visitor numbers are estimated at 8,000 to 10,000 in the first year, mainly in Summer months and weekends (up to 4,000 locals and 6,000 tourists.)


The Adventure Centre is to be open 7 days a week until end of September.





Creepy ValleyWhen the developers are finished very little of the lush greenery of the cotil will remain and the natural wildlife habitat will have been virtually destroyed


The scale and size of the development in this location definitely does not comply with the spirit or the letter of the Island Plan.

A variation of a quote attributed to Edmund Burke 1729 ~ 1797:

“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”


Please contact your local politicians (click here for list ), or Senator Freddie Cohen's office 448416, the Planning & Environment Dept 445508, the National Trust Jersey 483913, or write a letter or email to the JEP (click here), and let them know your thoughts and feelings about this flagrant abuse and desecration of the countryside. If enough of us begin to raise our voices we may be able to make them heard and get something done. It's only taken them just over three weeks to erect so it could be taken down in less than a week.

Please visit the forum to see what others are saying about this and if you would like to leave a message yourself.



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